Saturday, March 24, 2007

Movin on Up

So, if the move to Chop-n-Change wasn't exciting enough, I'm now moving on to something even better. The guys and I over at Chop-n-Change were asked to join MVN, an sports media company that provides blog feed for every MLB team. Their Braves bloggers needed a little help, so me and the guys from Chop-n-Change were asked to join on at the MVN Braves page. The best part is that MVN has a deal with Sports Illustrated online, which means our blog feed will be available on the Braves page. I'm the only girl blogging on the page, so you'll figure out who I am when our names, profiles and photos go up next week.

So, beginning next week (maybe as early as tomorrow), look for me on the new MVN Chop-n-Change page!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! You guys have become cyber-stars of sorts!! I just hope you won't leave be forced to leave your blog behind :)

Keep up the great posts!!