Thursday, March 8, 2007

Joining a New Team

No, it's not one of the Braves joining a new's me. I've been asked to join a more professional level blog with a gentleman who writes for Hardball Times and another gentleman that runs We're joining to become the holy trinity of Braves prognostication. It's gonna be fantastic!

I'll update you with the new site address and the unveiling date soon. I'll be keeping up this site as well - it's just your chance to get double the BabeonBaseball!


Matt F said...

Man, see everytime i start keeping up with a site good things happen. I'm that good apparently.

No really, congrats. I can't wait to see how the new network all comes together. I can never get enough braves stuff and with the 7 other blogs i have already i'll be reading all day long.

Great Job and can't wait to see the new site!

Unknown said...

I guess some folks recognize talent when they see it. Way to go. I just hope this means an increase in frequency of posts, and not the other way around. That would be sad.

Good luck with the blog.

p.s. how long until first pitch? Getting a mite anxious.

BabeOnBaseball said...

I've been out of town the past couple of weeks - hence the slack in posting. Hoping to improve on that soon!