Monday, February 5, 2007

Welcome to BabeOnBaseball

Each year I start counting down the days until baseball reenters the landscape a little earlier than the year before. This year, thanks to my MLB Home Plate on XM, I have daily reminders of just how many days are left until pitchers and catchers report to Spring Training. By the way, it’s only 10 days away now.

I think I’m about as passionate as any female who has never actually played the game could possibly be about baseball. As a lifelong Braves fan (yes, even before they won 14 division titles in a row), baseball has always consumed my attention for at least 8 months of the year. As I got older, I decided the Red Sox were my American League team and I began to visit a different ballpark each year with my father. In recent years, I’ve signed up for things like XM so I can listen to something baseball related anytime I want. My Palm Treo phone allows me to check scores anytime, anywhere. I challenge the knowledge of those around me constantly with trivia and stats. I managed to write four papers in law school about legal issues in baseball, which included everything from the luxury tax and revenue sharing to historic preservation of Major League ballparks. I’ve always said I would be the first female GM in baseball, but I’m beginning to wonder if I’d just be happier having season tickets and enjoying the game for what it is. This blog is my newest outlet for my obsession with baseball. I invite you to agree with me, disagree with me, correct me, engage me, etc. There’s nothing I love to talk about more than baseball.

I don’t have much that’s substantive to say in this post, just wanted to introduce myself. I've got several more posts prepared that I'll post in the near future. I hope that you’ll join me for spirited conversation and a shared love of the game.

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